On my way to work my attention was caught by the police officers standing at every intersection along Robert Mugabe Way. This reminded me that today is the official opening of the ZITF by President Robert Mugabe and the guest of honour the Presidents of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
This is one of the events that are deliberately meant to diverge the attention of the citizens. Through such events we are made to forget about the challenges that we face on a daily basis and relax at the fair admire the beautiful cars on display, eat candy floss and toffee apples the list is endless. The day ends with smiles on children's faces and the parents too. However, when the sun rises the next day all your sorrows dawn on you and voila all the problems that the fair had made to disappear are back in your face. You wake up and ZESA is gone, the cold water you intend to bath in looks rusty, you have to hike on vehicles that are unli unlicensed to ferry passengers because you can only afford to spend R3 on transport, if you are not already carrying a lunchbox with bread and butter then your next meal might be when you come back home.
We do not live in fantasy land where its all roses and should not drift and day dream but face reality with sober minds.
Its a great opportunity for business entrepreneurs to interact and to sell their wares. The ordinary civilian as well gets an opportunity to engage with the business world on a more personal level.
Seriously i do not see the point of the trade fair to people from the Matabeleland region. The region benefits nothing, merely because, if i my ask how many people from the region own the companies that exhibit there. To people that re not zombies like me, who take interest in touring the realist prism, this is all nonsense! anyway what is Ahmadinejad doing here?
Regional instability, armed conflict, ethnic/tribal/religious clashes, indebtedness, hunger, poverty, (reemerging) diseases, environmental degradation, underdevelopment - you name, all these are an attempt to capture the daily image of African countries like Somalia, Siera leon, DRC and Zimbabwe. The saddening part is we are constantly being made to think and believe that this is as a result of historical experiences of colonial subordination. This is a mere myth constructed on the basis of the atomistic social ontology which isolates the object from the wider social and historical contexts and presents it as the atomistic agents within global capitalism. That is why I personally think that an external intervention, whether on military terms or not, is necessary to cure these 'abnormal polities' within African leaders who want to hold on the reigns of power forever.
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